论文写作书推荐《Style: Lessons in Clarity and Grace》

迅速提高英语写作能力,得首先从写好一个句子开始!我也曾写出复杂、冗长而自觉很棒的句子,其实又臭又长、让人摸不着头脑。如果你也是,那么下面我的回答(其实是阅读笔记扩展版),就非常适合你!亲测有效!上周四刚和导师视频见面,导师就夸我英语继续有很大提升,多亏了要分享的这本书 ‘Style: Lessons in Clarity and Grace’。

论文写作书推荐《Style: Lessons in Clarity and Grace》

nderstanding How We Express Judgements (明白我们是如何表达观点)


1a. The cause of our schools’ failure at teaching basic skills is not understanding the influence of cultural background on learning.


√1b.Our schools have failed to teach basic skills because they do not understand how cultural background influences the way a child learns.


Telling Stories About Characters And Their Actions(说关于主角们的故事)



2a. Once upon a time, as a walk through the woods was taking place on the part of Little Red Riding Hood, the Wolf’s jump out from behind a tree occurred, causing her fright.


√2b.Once upon a time, Little Red Riding Hood was walking through the woods, when the Wolf jumped out from behind a tree and frightened her.


1) 动作由主人公发出。

2) 动词直接体现具体且重要的动作。


#Principle of Clarity 1: Make Main Characters Subjects

现在用我们的Principle of Clarity 1分析一下2a这个例子,主语(下划线)不是故事的主角(斜体)

2a. Once upon a time, as a walk through the woods was taking place on the part of Little Red Riding Hood, the Wolf’ s jump out from behind a tree occurred, causing her fright.


√2b Once upon a time, as a walk through the woods was taking place on the part of Little Red Riding Hood, the Wolf’ s jump out from behind a tree occurred, causing her fright.

was taking place和occurred都没有代入主角,a walk 是 was taking place的主语,显然看不见小红帽,the Wolf不是主语,它只是jump的修饰部分。2a这句话,故事的主角,小红帽和大灰狼这些一等一的主角,最吸引读者的主角、最活灵活现、最亮的人物竟然全部跑了龙套,这故事还能继续读下去么?


√2b Once upon a time, Little Red Riding Hood was walking through the woods, when the Wolf jumped out from behind a tree and frightened her.


#Principle of Clarity 2: Make Important Actions Verbs

2a中的主语是walk和jump,二者都不是主人公;它们是动作的抽象名词表达;而在2a中was walking, jumped, frightened 都是具体的动作,是由主角直接发出的。


就简单2点: 主语=故事主角, 谓语=重要动作
Fairy tales and academic or professional writing(童话故事和学术/专业写作)





3a. The Federalist’s argument in regard to the destabilization of government by popular democracy was based on their belief in the tendency of factions to further their self-interest at the expense of the common good.


3a. The Federalist’s argument in regard to the destabilization of government by popular democracy was based on their belief in the tendency of factions to further their self-interest at the expense of the common good.

这个句子,主语是argument,主人公是Federalist,因此我们可以直接看出主语和主人公是分离的,这不符合#Principal of Clarity 1.


3a. The Federalist’s ARGUMENT in regard to the DESTABILIZATION of government by popular democracy was based on their BELIEF in the tendency of factions to further their self-interest at the expense of the common good.

这个的谓语,was based on 和further都动作实指,而argument,destabilization,belief这3个带有具体动作变成了名词化。在3a这个句子中,在读者终于找到谓语was based on,竟然经历了由13个单词组成的主语——The Federalist’s ARGUMENT in regard to the DESTABILIZATION of government by popular democracy——这样的后果是,读者实在没有耐心找到谓语了,或者是读者找到了谓语也已经忘记了主语,那么结果就是读者云里雾里。

如果我按照童话故事里‘小红帽走在森林里…大灰狼跳出树林…吓了小红帽一大跳‘的套路——主语=主角,谓语=重要动作 改写,看一下效果,肉眼可见的将句子缩减了1/3长度:

√3b. The federalists argued that popular democracy destabilized government, because they believed that factions tended to further their self-interest at the expense of the common good.


√3b. The federalists ARGUED that popular democracy DESTABILIZED government, because they BELIEVED that factions TENDED TO FURTHER their self-interest at the expense of the common good.




a. 诊断:找到谓语(极可能不是实指的重要动作),用下划线标明一个句子谓语出现前的所有单词,找到主语(可能是抽象名词,幸运的是主角)

b. 分析:找到段落主角,找到重要动作(极可能是动词的名词化)

c. 重写:将由动词衍生的名词转为动词,将主角提为主语,用连词连接分句,形成完整的句子。

一个例子:Our loss in sales was a result of their expansion of outlets.

a. Our loss in sales was a result of their expansion of outlets.

b. Our LOSS in sales was a result of their EXPANSION of outlets.

c. Loss—> lose, expansion—>expand; out—> we, their—>they——>We lost our sales because they expanded outlets.


–>There was an affirmative decision for expansion.

–>A revision of the program will result in increases in our efficiency in the servicing of clients

–>Our more effective presentation of our study resulted in our success, despite an earlier start by others.

–>Decisions in regard to administration of medication despite inability of an irrational patient appearing in a Trauma Center to provide legal consent rest with the attending physician alone.


1. 一个句子的主语是动词的名词化,其谓语动词则没有实际意义,如be, has, seems.

2. 一个没有意义的谓语之后,通常紧随一个动词的名词化形式。

eg: 某人/机构 conduct an investigation, make an evaluation, make a discussion, make an examination, provide a suggestion, etc. 不如直接用 某人/机构 investigates, evaluates, discusses, examines, suggests.

3. 动词的名词化形式通常以there is/are开头。

eg: There is no need for our further study of this problem.

经过ab分析套路——>There is no NEED for our further STUDY of this problem.

c.重写——>we need not study this problem further.

4. 一个句子中由2个以上的动词名词化形式,它们一定是由多个介词连接。

eg: We did a review of the evolution of the brain.

经过ab分析套路——>We did a REVIEW of the EVOLUTION of the brain.

c重写——> we reviewed how the brain evolved.


1. 短小、意指前面提到过的内容。
2. 替代令人尴尬的the fact that 。
3. 动词与其名词化一致。
4. 该动词的名词化为大家所熟知,不需解释

Clarity, not simplemindedness! 请大家保持简洁,不简单!





当然,实现Clarity,还需要’Be Concise& Emphasized’。

在实现Clarity之时,真算是迈过了英文写作的第一个坎,接下来我们还需要学习如何将一个个清晰明了的句子’hang together’,连成逻辑顺畅、主题紧扣的段落,以实现——Cohesion&Coherence;完成段落之后,我们将继续学习和实践如何将一个个段落成篇成文,以实现——Global Coherence。最后进入高阶写作——优雅。


最后,推荐好书《Style: Lessons in Clarity and Grace》[1] 也即我阅读笔记的出处,需要澳洲代写


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