深信,海外留学人员对英国文学评论文学的写作一定不会陌生,因为他写的是 Reflection Essay,也就是一篇反思文章,它考验着我们的评判性思考能力,在国外大学的学习中是经常被要求写的,他的写作内容是回顾以前的学习生活或回望 Reading writing,从中学到了什么。“角色”用于检测你对自己过去表现的评估,这将有助于你自我批判思考的提升。所以,怎样才能写好 Reflection Essay?
Reflective essay作业通常是关于你个人的观点和见解,与学术论文不同,它可以出现第一人称(如:“I”,“my”,“Our”等),也相对来说比较简单,同学们只需要清楚的表达自己的想法。文章的正文中除了总体的介绍和描述主题subject以外,还需要有Judgment和结论,这个部分通常是在文章的后半部分,但是也是非常重要的部分。在这个部分,需要说明你个人的观点和见解,这样会使你的文章更加独特性,并和其他文章有所不同。总之,在你写Reflection Essay之前,你必须明白你所反思的是什么样的问题,自己的观点是怎样的,否则你只会失去你的想法,或许更糟的是,你将会写不出任何有意义的东西。因此,在写作之前,最好整理一下自己的思路。
首先,您需要问自己一些问题,例如:我对这个话题有何感受?这件事让我感动了吗?内容如此吗?假如这不能触动我,那是为什么?你们要知道,这些问题与个体有关。那是因为一篇 Reflection Essay让您发表自己的见解。了解这几个私人问题的答案有助于你撰写 Reflection Essay。但你不能仅仅局限于这三个方面。您应当进一步探讨,然后再发表您的观点。不要理睬事实,把注意力集中在自己的观点上。
随后,确定 reflection essay后,返回到您的个人问题的主体部分。这次,问问你自己,确定这些是不是想写:这就是我对这个主题的真实感受?它到底有什么让我感动呢?这件事并没有影响到我?在写完 reflection essay之后,你要诚实地重申一下。学生应该只提供自己的真实感受,否则,所写的内容与你所反映的主题的真正意图相去甚远。与此同时,写下你是如何和为何拥有这些洞察力。您必须保持连贯性,避免一段的想法和另一段的观点相冲突。
最后,简要地总结你的主要观点或论点。你可以用一个问题来结束,问问别人是否和你一样有相同的主题思想。你也可以给你的读者发出一个挑战,比如要求他们说说同一主题的想法并且问同样的问题。无论如何,最重要的是要记住一篇reflection essay通常是一个话题:可能会或可能不会影响你和他人的个人评价。总的来说,写一篇Reflection Essay对于提高你的批判性思维能力来说是一种很好的锻炼。
Reflection essay 主要分为三种,一种是对事件经历的反思,一种是对学习内容的反思。
对以往经验的反思 (Experiential Reflective Essay):
在一些热门的专业里,像商科,护理和教育,反思报告是连接理论和实践的重要部分。 当你被要求反思以往的经历时,不要仅仅只是描述它,而是要结合课程的idea或理论,深入的讨论评估它。你可以基于课程的理论和方法,用专业的技能去评估一个现象,从而提升自己的知识和技能。反思报告是给你一个机会去思考,反思你的选择和行动。 一般,你的反思写作需要包含以下问题:
- Description – What happened?
- Analysis – Why did it happen? What were you feeling? What theories might help explain what happened? Are there other perspectives that challenge your views?
- Outcomes or Action – What did you learn? What would you do differently next time?
阅读后的反思 (reading Reflective Essay):
很多课程会要求同学们写阅读反思(比如reflecting on an educational theory you’ve read about within a unit),一方面的为了平衡评分机制,也是为了鼓励同学们在阅读后多进行思考。通常情况下,导师会提示同学们,什么是他们需要反思的。反思的目的是为了让同学们构建并发表自己的观点。一般,你的反思写作需要包含以下问题:
- Description – What is the concept, idea or theory you are reflecting on?
- Analysis – Are there aspects you found particularly interesting or challenging? Does it tie in with anything you have learned in the past? Has it changed the way you think, or affirmed something you already knew?
- Outcomes or Action – What else might you need to find out? Do you have any questions? How might you incorporate or apply these ideas in the future, perhaps in your professional life?
讨论完reflective essay写作的准备工作和Reflective essay 的分类,这里DueWriting论文的老师重点强调一下reflective essay的写作步骤:
细度这个题目,研究题目具体是哪个方向的内容。如果题目是一个判断,如:X(负向)影响了Y,请critically review这个陈述。这是一个相关关系分析,首先应该弄清楚X有没有影响到Y; 如果影响/没影响到Y,为什么会产生这个现象。关于又需要分析,什么叫X影响到Y,如何来定义与衡量这个影响。涉及到因果关系,要真正确定因果是很难的。我们可以从相关可能性上分析。X的特性是什么,Y的特性是什么,什么因素会影响Y,X有没有这个因素。
写作前一定要把写作思路构建成outline,然后从上往下推敲,看结构与逻辑是否合适,看论据是否充足,能否说服自己。如果连自己都不能说服,肯定需要修改。确定outline以后,就可以正式写作了。写作过程应该严格按照outline,不要随便改结构,也不要想到一个论点感觉挺好就加进去,这样很容易导致逻辑混乱,影响论文质量。中国留学生在essay时还容易出现词不达意,句子冗长等毛病,如果essay比较重要,交上去之前可以拜托DueWriting论文帮忙修改。这里小编为大家提供一个常用的结构(outline),此结构是基于Gibbs (1988) 的Reflection Model 。(因为是英文写作,所以下文我就直接用英语来说明写作结构)具体如下:
Description (descriptive)
Describe in detail the event you are reflecting on: Where you were, who else was there, why you were there, what you were doing, what other people were doing, what the context of the event was, what happened, what your part in this was, what parts the other people played, what the result was.
For example: I visited an employment tribunal services in Leeds, with one of my course colleagues. We were visiting the tribunal so we could experience an employment hearing and gain an understanding what kinds of things were taken to a tribunal, the format and outcomes.
The hearing we got to sit in on was a case of unfair dismissal; we watched the whole process from the judge having some deliberation over whether or not the case should be heard right through to the decision at the end.
We listened to the respondent’s evidence first; in this case it was the company, followed by a cross examination from the judge and her panel and the solicitor of the claimant. Secondly we heard the claimants evidence on the situation then watched him been cross examined.
This was then followed by the solicitor of the claimant and the barrister of the respondent making submission each to the judge upon which she would review everything with her panel and make a decision.
The outcome was decided; it was a case for unfair dismissal as the conduct of the claimant did not account to gross misconduct in relation to the company’s policies.
Feelings (descriptive)
Why this event was important and how you felt prior to the experience;How you felt during the experience and what your thoughts were at the time What were your reactions to the experience;How you felt about the outcome of the experience What you think now. For example: 篇幅问题,不再赘述,可以联系DueWriting论文的老师,获取更详细的指导。
Evaluation (descriptive)
Try to evaluate or make a judgement about what has happened. Consider the following: What was good about the experience, what was bad or did not go so well. Give specific examples. Mention the strategies that were used to deal with challenging situations. How the experience ended? Was the experience complete or incomplete?
举个例子:Overall the experience as a whole was a very good one. My understanding of tribunals, unfair dismissal and rewards and compensation was significantly increased. Also the discussions with my colleague during the breaks and afterwards helped me by developing what we had experienced but also it identified how differently we both interpreted the same information which also encouraged discussions around who was correct.
I think it helped that we had forward planned and knew what cases were been held on the day and knew exactly what time we needed to be there and had a map of the location.
However, the experience also has some drawbacks for example, I wanted to ask questions and clarify and research further some of the things that were brought up in the hearing, but because of the situation I couldn’t which has caused some confusion. I guess this trait that I have adopted here is suggesting according to Honey and Mumford I was a theorist, I wanted to take what I had learnt or heard and find out more, put it in to context and test to see if the information was right. Whereas usually I tent to take a more activist approach when learning new things, learning by doing (Honey and Mumford, 1982)
Some of the terminology and expressions that were used in the hearing I was not familiar with which to some extent hindered my learning experience, but over time I will hopefully come more familiar with the language as I widen my exposure through exposing myself to the legal scenarios.
This was the first time I have experienced a tribunal and learning in this environment therefore more exposure may be necessary.
Analysis (analytical)
What sense can you make out of the experience? Look back at things that went well – explain why they went well (causes). What they led to (consequences). How could it have been avoided? Look back at things that went badly – explain why they went badly (causes). What they led to (consequences). How could it have been improved? In what way you contributed to this experience. Was it useful for you? In what way others contributed to this experience. What were their reactions?
Conclusion (descriptive/evaluative)
What you learnt from the experience: about yourself (positive/negative aspects);your knowledge and skills (strengths / weaknesses) what could have been done differently.
Action plan (descriptive)
What you need to improve if you were asked to do this experience again: knowledge, ability, skills, behaviour How are you going to do it? Provide specific actions.
以上便是一篇reflective essay的结构框架。尽管在分类上把Reflection Essay单独归为一种,但实际写作上和普通essay并没太大差别。总的来讲,最关键的就是明确观点,文章的观点是什么,应该一目了然。虽然在写作上还有“先论述,最后提出观点”的写法,但在这里还是推荐先亮出观点,再论述的形式写作。另外,观点一定要明确,要写清楚支持哪个观点,不支持哪个观点,不能含糊不清。比如就不能写某观点在当前情况下是对的,相对观点再
另一种情况下也是对的,让人看不明白到底支持哪一种观点。此外,最重要的就是论述应该有理有据。我的观点是什么,不是我想当然是这样,是有文献支持的、是大众认同的、是调查得到的才有说服力。因此,文中的每一个论文都应该有对应的论据支持,如果引用文献中的原话,记得要注明出处。其次,要注意句子和句子之间的内在逻辑,在一篇文章里,写文章时应该每一句话都是在每个步骤相互贯连的,也可能用这句话而是服务于某个目的的。说一个现象,就得出了一个结论,这是不对的做法。用你精明的双眼不要放过你逻辑上的一点点不合理的地方,不要对你的文章有敷衍的情绪,要对每个细节负责,一定要把每件事情都说清楚啊!能要拥有这样的一个好习惯,这样的习惯可以证明你是一个头脑清晰,负责任的人。最后,同学们的反思要Provide a bigger picture out of your personal story。你这篇essay,不要局限于你自己的故事,讲完就结束,要想让这个essay更有含金量,特别重要的不光就事论事还要一定要升华主旨,写一件事,你自然会得出一些道理,让人们站在更高的角度来理解把这些道理升,而是有了一种代表性,有一种由个体影射整个社会的意义,其实也要靠你自己的三寸不烂之舌。
以上就是关于Reflection Essay写作的讲解,同学们在写作Reflection Essay的时候可以按照这样的写作思路去写,或许就可以写出一篇好的Reflection Essay。